Thursday, May 1, 2008

Day 1 - The Road To 3,000$ A Month

Okay so I somewhat introduced myself in my first post so lets get to it...

Affiliate Marketing Experience: I've been internet marketing for about 2 month now. I joined Wealthy Affiliate University to get my start and have learned a lot! Without Wealth Affiliate I would know nothing and be going no where... There are people on there making millions with affiliate marketing and you have access to everything they use to make that money, not only that, you can ask them as many questions as you want and truly, they ALWAYS will help you. As I post I will be referring to them and a lot of there resources. If you are a member you will know what I'm talking about, if your not I will try to explain a bit more.

PS: WA = Wealthy Affiliate

Enough with that... Lets get started.

Day 1(May 1, 2008)-

1)So today was my last day at work, and I'm very excited because I hated my job, but scared because now I have no income. I came home and went straight to WA and read some post in the forum and came across an inspiring success story...Simply amazing... This is what inspired me to get my butt into gear and start making money!

2) After reading that WA post I had to get the book he referred to (Influence: Science and Practice (4th Edition)). So I went to Barnes & Noble and bought it(should have ordered it on amazon WAY CHEAPER!). Today I read page 1-6 and I was amazed by the information just in those pages!

-----> If any one is interested in joing Wealthy Affiliate University there is a great wealthy affiliate review I would suggest you go check out.

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